Research Activity

-     Broad Fields: Labor economics, urban economics, and public policy.
-     Specific Research Interests: Empirical tests for discrimination, economics of crime, policing / public safety, training and skills acquisition, knowledge transfer, productivity, and labor market dynamics.

Refereed Publications

Yu, H., Marschke, G., Ross, M.B. et al. Publish or Perish: Selective Attrition as a Unifying Explanation for Patterns in Innovation over the Career. Journal of Human Resources 59-1 (2024). [PDF]

Kalinowski, J.J., Ross, S.L., Ross, M.B. Endogenous Driving Behavior in Tests of Racial Profiling. Journal of Human Resources 59-2 (2023).  [PDF]

Ross, M.B., Glennon, B.M., Murciano-Goroff, R. et al. Women are credited less in science than men. Nature 608, 135–145 (2022). [PDF]

Ross, M.B., Kalinowski, J.J., Barone, K. Testing for Disparities in Traffic Stops: Best Practices from the Connecticut Model. Criminology & Public Policy 19-4 (2020). [PDF]

Chevalier, G. Chomienne, C. Jeanrenaud, N.G., Lane, J.I., Ross, M.B. A New Approach for Estimating Research Impact: An Application to French Cancer Research. Quantitative Science Studies 1-4 (2020). [PDF]

Ross, M.B. The Effect of Intensive Margin Changes to Task Content on Employment Dynamics over the Business Cycle. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 74-4 (2020). [PDF]

Couch, K.A., Ross, M.B., Vavrek, J. Career Pathways and Integrated Instruction: A National program Review of I-Best Implementations. Journal of Labor Research 39 (2018). [PDF]

Ross, M.B. Routine-Biased Technical Change: Panel Evidence of Task Orientation and Wage Effects. Labour Economics 48 (2017). [PDF]

Published Conference Proceedings

Kehoe, A.K., Vetle, T.I., Ross, M.B., Smalheiser, N.R. Predicting MeSH Beyond MEDLINE. Association of Computing Machinery (ACM): Proceedings of Workshop on Scholarly Web Mining (2018). [PDF]

Kalinowski, J.J., Ross, S.L., Ross, M.B. Now You See Me, Now You Don’t: The Geography of Police Stops. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 109 (2019). [PDF]

Book Chapters

Ross, M.B. Ikudo, A., Lane, J.I. The Food Safety Research Workforce and Economic Outcomes. Measuring the Economic Value of Research: The Case of Food Safety, c. 6 pp. 100- 112, Cambridge University Press (2017). [PDF]

King, J.L. Johnson, S.R., Ross, M.B. Assessing the Effects of Food Safety Research on Early Career Outcomes. Measuring the Economic Value of Research: The Case of Food Safety, c. 8 pp. 100- 112, Cambridge University Press (2017). [PDF]

Working Papers

Adger, C. Ross, M.B., Sloan, C.W. The Effect of Field Training Officers on Police Use of Force. 2024. (Revisions Requested at American Economic Review). [PDF]

Mello, S., Ross, M.B., Ross, S.L., Johnson, H. Diversity Training and Employee Behavior: Evidence from the Police. 2024. (Preparing for Submission). [PDF]

Ross, M.B., Parker, S., Ross, S.L. Driving Change: Evaluating Connecticut's Collaborative Approach to Reducing Racial Disparities in Policing. 2024 (Preparing for Submission). [PDF]

Golestani, A., Mackay, T., Ross, M.B. Affordable Housing and Public Safety. (Preparing for Submission- Draft Available by Request).

Bollman, K.M., Gomez, A. Ross, M.B., Sloan, C.W. More with Less: The Impact of Excessive Overtime on Police Wellness, Productivity, and Bias. (Preparing for Submission- Draft Available by Request).

Resting Papers

Kalinowski, J.J., Ross, S.L., Ross, M.B. Addressing Seasonality in Veil of Darkness Tests for Discrimination: A Regression Discontinuity Approach. (Resting) [PDF]

Selected Works in Progress

Ross, M.B., Ross, S.L., Parker, S. Testing for Discrimination in Police Traffic Stops using Telemetric Mobility Data: New Methods and Findings. (Manuscript in Preparation).

Murciano-Goroff, R.M. Ross, M.B. Robots and Science: The Impact of Automation on the Scientific Research Teams. (Manuscript in Preparation).

Funk, R. Glennon, B., Murciano-Goroff, R.M. Ross, M.B. Connections and Credit: How Social Networks Shape the Gender Gap in Research Output. (Manuscript in Preparation).

Ross, M.B. and Sloan, C.W. Estimating Police Value-Added Impacts on Criminal Investigations, Clearance Rates, Revictimization, and Recidivism. (Ongoing Analysis).

Ross, M.B. Sloan, C.W. Understanding the Dynamics of Police Corruption: Evidence from Connecticut’s Fake Ticket Scandal. (Preliminary Analysis)